County Administrator's Report of Council Actions

Regular Session Meeting

November 21, 2000

6:00 p.m.


Call to Order - Greg Pearce

Invocation - Jim Tuten

Presentation: Baseball Team Recognition - The County Administrator recognized the American Legion Post Six Baseball Team for winning the 2000 American Legion State Baseball championship.

Adoption of Agenda - Adopted as modified to incorporate a reference sheet aiding Council on the consent agenda items.

Citizen's Input - Several citizens spoke.

Approval of Minutes

- Zoning Public Hearing: October 24, 2000 - Adopted as submitted.

Approval of Consent Items

  1. Amendment to the Richland County Zoning Code: Deletion of "Facilities" in Rural Zones - Third reading approval given to this ordinance that deletes the ambiguous term "facilities" and clarifies that the allowable clubs and various organizations must comply with restrictions on sexually oriented businesses. Action: Planning/Legal
  2. Amendment to the Richland County Zoning Code: Continuation of Zoning Applications - Third reading approval given to this amendment that enables the Zoning Administrator to continue zoning applications to a later public hearing or meeting for good cause. Action: Planning/Legal
  3. Amendment to the Richland County Zoning Code: Buildings/Lots to Have Access - Third reading approval given to this amendment that removes the Planning Commission's authority to approve isolated lots and substitutes a requirement that buildable lots must have either access to a public or private roadway or a recorded ingress and egress easement. Action: Planning/Legal
  4. Amendment to the Richland County Land Development Code: Plats Exempt from Commission Review - Third reading given to this amendment that removes a requirement for Planning Commission review and approval of certain minor subdivisions and authorizes the Planning Director to assume this responsibility. Action: Planning/Legal
  5. SpiralWeld Pipe Company LLC - Resolution and Ordinance - Second reading approval and public hearing given to an ordinance authorizing the execution of a Lease Agreement between the Company and the County. Info: Legal/Administration
  6. Budget Amendment: Broad River Regional Enterprise Fund - Second reading approval given to this budget amendment to re-appropriate funds in the amount of $1,200,000 from last fiscal year for land acquisition and engineering expenses required for an upgrade to the wastewater treatment plant. Info: Utilities/Finance
  7. Code Enforcement Officers' Appointments (Anita K. Bender and Darryl W. Myers) - Approved Resolutions appointing and commissioning these employees as Code Enforcement Officers. Action: Clerk Of Council

Report Of County Attorney For Executive Session Matters - The County Attorney stated that if Council wishes to discuss the grievance item under the County Administrator's Report, the item would require an executive session.

Report Of County Administrator

  1. Grievance - The County Administrator requested Council approved of his recommendation which upholds the Employee Grievance Committee recommendation. Council moved to approve the Administrator's recommendation. Action: Human Resources
  2. Council Holiday Meeting Schedule - Council cancelled Committees meetings on December 26th, and rescheduled Committee meetings for 5:00 and 6:00 on December 12th, with a Regular Session Council Meeting scheduled at 7:00. Council also confirmed a work session on December 5th at 4:00. Action: Clerk Of Council

1. Second Reading Item (from Council Meeting on September 5, 2000)

  1. Elected Official's Pay Plan - Second reading approval given to an ordinance amendment that adopts the elected officials' pay plan established by County Council in the FY 2000/01 budget. Info: Finance
  2. Budget Amendment: Solid Waste Tire Disposal Fee - Second reading approval of a budget amendment in the amount of $51,250 from undesignated fund balance to the Solid Waste Department's budget to fund this and the increase previously approved by administration. Info: Solid Waste/Finance

2. First Reading Items

  1. Extension of Moratorium: Billboard Ordinance - First reading approval given to this ordinance amendment that extends the moratorium to April 4, 2001. Info: Planning/Legal
  2. PDD: Text Amendment - First reading approval given to this amendment to the Zoning Code that changes the minimum area requirements for a planned development district from two acres to one acre, but requested Legal staff conduct further research into legality of this amendment and explore other options prior to second reading. Info: Planning/Legal

 3. Report of Economic Development Committee

  1. Recognition Resolution for Miller Valentine - Approved this Resolution that identifies the Miller Valentine facility as a project that qualifies for fee-in-lieu-of-taxes incentives if Council chooses to offer such incentives. Action: Administration/Legal

4. Report of Rules and Appointments Committee

  1. Notification of Vacancy on LRADAC Board - Received as information. Action: Clerk Of Council

5. Citizen's Input - No one spoke.

6. Motion Period/Announcements

  1. Smith - Announced a Christmas Drop In on December 14th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

7. Adjournment