County Administrator’s Report Of Council Actions

Regular Session

December 18, 2001

6:00 p.m.


Call to Order -- Smith

Invocation -- Tuten

Pledge of Allegiance -- Tuten

Adoption of Agenda – The agenda was adopted as submitted.

Citizen's Input – One person spoke

Approval of Minutes – The minutes were approved as submitted.

November 27, 2001: Zoning Public Hearing

December 4, 2001: Regular Session

December 11, 2001: Special Called Meeting

December 13, 2001: Special Called Meeting

Report of County Administrator –

    1. Mr. McSwain informed Council that the Retreat will be held January 10-12 and asked them to turn in their priority list for agenda items.
    2. Mr. McSwain gave a status report on the Gills Creek Fire Station to be located in Forest Acres and said negotiations are going well and they are still working out some details. The County staff and the Design-Build team have agreed upon financial numbers. The numbers were offered to Council if they wished to go into Executive Session. The County Administrator told Council that pending final legal wording of agreed upon terms, the contract for the fire station will be executed by the County Administrator within 7-10 days as authorized by County Council.
    3. Mr. McSwain wished the Council Happy Holidays

Approval of Consent Items – Item 1a was approved for the consent agenda.

1. Third Reading Items

    1. An Ordinance authorizing the execution and delivery of an Inducement Agreement and a Fee Agreement by and between Richland County, South Carolina and Plasti-Line Columbia, Inc. providing for payment of a fee-in-lieu of taxes – Council gave third reading approval to the item. Action: Administration/Legal
    2. 01-019MA
      Joseph Agnew
      Ronda Agnew
      From RS-1 to PDD
      02408-03-01 & 02
      216 Shadowood & 1005 Carl Shealy Roads –
      Council gave third reading approval to the item. Action: Planning/Legal
    3. 02-024MA
      M.H. Johnson
      G.I. Elkin
      From D-1 to M-1
      2166 LeGrand Road –
      Council gave third reading approval to the item. Action: Planning/Legal
    4. An Ordinance establishing new electoral districts for the election of members of Richland County Council pursuant to the United States Census of 2000 and in compliance with Section 4-9-90 of the South Carolina Code of Laws, 1976, as amended. – Council Member McEachern made a substitute motion to introduce Map C. The Council recessed for 10 minutes to examine the new map. Council adopted Map C. Action: Administration/Legal

2. Report of Development and Services Committee

(Deferred from Council meeting held 12/11/01)

Contract Extensions: Solid Waste Collection – The extension of solid waste residential collection contracts for areas 1, 3, and 7 was approved to extend the current remaining three years to an additional two years for a total five-year contract in each of these areas. Also, Whitaker Container Services agreed to remove his protest after negotiations and an agreement to reduce the County cost approximately $83,549 annually for the fourth and fifth year for total contract savings of $167,098. The County Council also approved a two-year extension for Whitaker Container Services for a total five-year contract for Area 4.

3. Approval of Resolution

a. Resolution commending Miss Dary Linder – Council approved the item.

4. Report of Budget Work Session – The request by the County Administrator for the Council to endorse his Budget Strategies Plan was deferred to January 8 by the Council and Council asked the Administrator to present a report to indicate what impacts the budget strategies will have on County departments, especially Public Safety.

5. Citizen's Input – no one spoke

6. Motion Period/Announcements –

    1. Council Member Tuten made a motion to reconsider the redistricting of Map C. The motion failed.
    2. Council Chair Smith asked for clarification of the rules.
    3. Council Member Scott directed Assistant County Administrator Milton Pope to draw up an ordinance for special exceptions for mobile homes.
    4. Council Member Mizzell announced that he is running for Council Chair.

7. Adjournment