Archived County Council Agenda
Note: County Council meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month.

Richland County Council
Regular Session
June 5, 2001
6:00 p.m.

Call to Order


Report of County Attorney on Executive Session Items

Adoption of Agenda

Citizen's Input

Approval of Minutes

Regular Session: May 15, 2001
[Pages 2-10]

Zoning Public Hearing: May 22, 2001
[Pages 11-12]

Richland 101 Presentation

Report of County Administrator

Open/Close Public Hearings

Approval of Consent Items

1. Third Reading Items

a. Sysco - Water And Sewer [Public Hearing]
[Pages 13-14]

b. Blue Cross/Blue Shield [Public Hearing]
[Page 15]

2. Second Reading Items

a. Bond for Detention Center expansion and other Projects [Public Hearing] [Pages 16-43]

b. Billboard Ordinance [Pages 44-53]

c. 01-51MA
Marion Turbeville
Stanley Baldwin (Property Owner)
From RS-1 To PDD
19103-01-7, 08, 09
Hazelwood Road [Pages 54-55]

3. Approval of Resolution and Public Hearing

a. Approval of Jeda Bonds for Heathwood
Hall Episcopal School [Public Hearing]
[Pages 56-57]

4. Report Of Development And Services Committee [Page 58]

a. Lake Carolina Development Agreement [Consent Item] [Pages 59-77]

b. Ordinance Amendment: International Building Code [Consent Item] [Pages 78-85]

c. Issuance of bonds and study for the airport [Consent Item]

5. Report of Administration and Finance Committee[Pages 86-87]

a. Local Option Sales Tax: Should we or shouldn't we?

b. Auditor's Office: Funds for mailing tax bills [Consent Item]

c. City Center Business Improvement District [Consent Item]

d. Emergency Services : Purchase Orders; Ambulance Chassis Purchase; Ambulance Remount Procurement [Consent Item]

e. Information Technology Project and Contract [Consent Item]

6. Report Of Rules And Appointments Committee [Pages 88-89]

a. Notification of Vacancies on Accommodations Tax Advisory Board-2

b. Notification of Vacancies on the Central Midlands Board-3

c. Notification of Vacancies on the Community Relations Council-4

d. Notification of Vacancies on the Employee Greivance Committee-4

e. Notification of Vacancies on the Library Board-5

f. Notification of Vacancy on the Performing Arts Center Board-1

g. Notification of Vacancy on the Richland Memorial Hospital Board-1

h. Notification of appointments to be made on the Convention Center/Township Agreement Board-2 [Pages 90-97]

7. Report of Economic Development Committee

a. Approval of Budget Amendment and Letters of Agreement for USC Incubator [Pages 98-102]

b. Approval of Budget Amendment and Letters of Agreement for SC Technology Alliance [Pages 103-110]

c. Resolution Requesting the City of Forest Acres Support of Verizon Wireless Expansion [Pages 111-112]

8. Citizen's Input

9. Motion Period/Announcements

10. Adjournment